Razor User’s Guide to Common Training Macros
25.09.2016 Пост заменен на англоязычный гайд с закрывшегося сайта RunUO. Чтобы не потерялось, в виду вышеописанного, выкладываем у себя по схеме "как есть":
Macro List – How to use: Each macro has a section that describes what the macro does, and often additional information that makes training the skill easier. Be sure to read the macro description as it often gives some specific information that can be used to get the most out of the macro.
Following the description is an approximation of what the macro looks like as you would see it in razor. The macro steps are in bold, and there is often information to the right to help in setting things up properly. This is useful if you want to build the macro yourself from scratch.
The last section for each macro contains the actual code for the macro. You can simply create new blank macros in razor, assign them names, and then exit out of all instances of razor and the client(don’t just logout). Then, you can navigate to C:\Programs\Razor\Macros and open up the given macro file you created with Notepad. Next you can simply copy and paste the code provided, save the macro, and then close it. When you re-enter Razor, you will see that the macro is built and ready to use. Many times, you will want to make small adjustments to the macro or add your own line items. When you do this, make sure you only have 1 instance of razor open at the time, and remember that modifications will be written to the file when the last instance of razor is closed out.
Hotkeys: There are at least two hotkeys that you will want to set up when using these macros. In addition, after you create a macro, it can be helpful to assign that to a hotkey as well. This can all be done on the Hotkey tab of Razor.
Set Last Target: This allows you to assign many things in the game to Razor’s last target. You can also use Razor’s other targeting commands to accomplish the same.
Stop Macro: This does exactly what you would think.
Execute Selection: When you are recording your own line items into razor, it can be useful to execute things that you see in the Hotkeys tab without having to assign them to a hotkey and using them. You can Right-click on a line item in your macro, select Begin Recording Here, navigate to the Hotkeys tab, and then execute what you are looking for. The action will be recorded into your macro.
Editing and Creating Your Own Macros: The macros presented are a guide and a good starting point. You should feel free to edit and modify them however you wish. The macros have been built to provide the greatest applicability to players of varying ping times; however, some adjustment is bound to be necessary to get things working perfectly on your computer. Do not hesitate to experiment. Many options are available when you Right-click on a line item. Many times, a more advanced and useful macro can be made depending upon the setup that you have to train the skill.
Wait For Target/Gump vs Manual Pauses: As much as possible, Wait for Target and Wait for Gump pauses were used so that players with varying pings would experience the macro the same way. It is important to follow the instructions given if building the macro from scratch in regard to editing the timeouts. The timeouts are there so that if a target or gump does not come up the way that it should, the macro will skip back to the beginning. This can be a useful feature in and of itself, but you want to ensure that you set the timeouts properly so that lag and world saves do not cause your macros to delay unnecessarily. Feel free to edit the timeouts if needed. Manual pauses are necessary in some macros like Mining in order to get the macro to function properly and will occasionally need to be adjusted to maximize the performance of the macro for you. Additionally, I occasionally use a Pause of 0ms, which is actually just a small minimum delay. Each line item takes a small amount of time to process as the macro moves along, and this is something to consider if you write very long macros. This time may be a factor of your computer’s processor and clock, but I have only tested such things on my own computer, so I cannot be certain.
Display/Counters Tab: This Razor tab allows you to set up counters that can be used in your macros as well as to put icons with an item count in your titlebar. This can be used to keep track of what items you have on you during gameplay as well as giving you the ability to create more advanced triggers in your macros. Although their use is not covered in this guide, this is something that is worth looking into and experimenting with. For example, you can add an If/Then statement into your macro that restocks ingots to your pack when it gets low automatically so that you do not have to sit at the computer watching the macro work the entire time. Feel free to search for posts on the subject in the Q&A section of the forums, or ask questions yourself.
Restock & Organizer Agents: The Restock and Organizer agents are both valuable assets of the Razor program. You should try to experiment with them and incorporate them into your macros to make them even easier to use. You will find that they work best, as with many other features of Razor, if you have properly set your Object Delay setting on the ‘More Options’ tab of Razor. A guide for the setting and explanation of Object Delays has been written and can also be found in the guide section of the forums.
A Brief Word on PVP Macros: Often new players will wonder how much gameplay is being performed by macros and it is a very good question to think about. There are a great variety of possibilities that you can try to set up to make things easier for you, even if you are only setting up your macros in the UO Client itself. For example, a simple macro that Yells: All Come, and then double-clicks your mount is a great thing to set up in Razor since it has no built in remount feature. You would need one of these for each of your characters (and mounts unless you edit as you go), and it can be a great way to deal with being bolaed. Another set of small macros might involve setting up dress agents for each wand type (greater heal, lightning, etc.) that you anticipate using, and then creating a macro like: Dress: WandGreaterHeal, Pause .00sec, Exec: Use Item in Hand. The minimum pause inserted in the middle is not entirely necessary if you have your Object Delay set well, but I tend to have mine set for a little better performance, and this added pause creates a slight additional delay to ensure that my wand activation has more reliability. The wand will work fine without the minimum pause as well.
These types of small macros can be very useful. Sometimes though, people attempt to set up long chains of actions and If/Then statements to use for PVP. I will not try to unnecessarily dissuade you from trying. One of the few things that you are ‘not’ allowed to do in either Client assistant program is set up a macro that detects if you are poisoned and cures you automatically, especially so in PVP situations. This can get you put in jail or even banned. The problem with these long chains is that line item processing time creates a lot of delay that makes you a much less agile player. A player has to be able to react to the things that are happening as they go, sometimes taking actions on the order of 50-100ms based upon what they see on-screen. I can say with certainty that you will never achieve the top level of play that you see in tournaments if you choose to be a macro style player, although some people have to find this out for themselves. With the exception of groups of players that gank, it is quite easy to disrupt the types of things that a macro style player can throw at you.
Faction Skill Loss: When you die to an enemy faction or commit suicide while you are in factions, your skills are temporarily set to 2/3’s of their trained levels, generally for about 4 minutes or so. If you are well prepared, keep all of your training gear in one backpack, and die near an NPC healer, this can be an excellent way to finish up skills that are otherwise very difficult to complete.
Section 3: Macros: Alchemy, Anatomy, Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Archery
Alchemy: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your mortar and pestle. In order to train alchemy efficiently, it is
best to purchase empty kegs to be filled. After successfully creating
your first potion, pour that potion into an empty keg to start it off,
and keep the keg in your main backpack along with 1 empty bottle.
Running the macro will continue to make attempts at creating the potion
and will gradually fill up the keg to the top. At that point, you can
switch to another keg and/or change the potion that you are trying to
create. You can generally follow two paths. The first is Total Refresh
(30-60 displayed alchemy skill), Greater Agility (60-70), Greater
Strength (70-80), Greater Heal (80-90), and Greater Cure (90-100). A
second method that uses fewer resources but results in kegs that are
less saleable is Poison (30-60), GP (60-100), and/or Deadly Poison
Double Click (mortar and pestle (0E9B)) – Right-click-> Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Anatomy: Target a player with a Razor targeting hotkey or Set Last Target and then run
the macro. The macro will continue to use the anatomy skill at ~1 sec
intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Anatomy
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Animal Lore: Target a tameable pet with a Razor targeting hotkey or Set Last Target
and then run the macro. The macro will continue to use the animal lore
skill at ~1 sec intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Animal Lore
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Animal Taming: The following two macros are used to aid in quickly taming and releasing
pets. The first macro enables you to repeatedly attempt to tame a
potential pet, and the second macro will give you the ability to release
pets that you have renamed a,aa,aaa,or aaaa easily with one hotkey.
The reasoning behind the four different pet names and more details on
the subject is contained in the Skill Guide: Razor User’s Guide to GM
Taming Easily. It has to do with having a system so that you and your
fellow tamers can keep track of how many times a particular pet has been
tamed before, since you can only gain skill from a particular pet once,
and each time the pet is tamed it increases the base difficulty by 6
skill points. This makes it more difficult to tame the pet for other
tamers that come along after you. To use the Animal Taming macro, you
simply assign the potential pet as your Last Target by using Set Last
Target, Target Closest Grey, or Target Random Grey. After you run the
Animal Taming macro, if desired, you can hold down ‘alt’ + single left
click the creature you are trying to tame (pause slightly and single
left-click again if necessary) until you see ‘Now following.’ above the
pet, then lift your hands from your keyboard. You should now
automatically follow the pet around trying to tame it without having to
do anything more. This is very useful since you will not have to worry
about staying close to your potential pet, as this built-in client
feature will assist you in doing this automatically. Use your Stop
Macro hotkey once you have successfully tamed the pet.
Animal Taming
UseSkill Animal Taming
Pause .00sec – 0ms – A minimum pause that is sometimes necessary to delay the macro from skipping forward.
Exec: Last Target
If (SysMessage you start to tame the creature.)
Pause 12.76sec – 12755ms – Adjust as necessary. Pets generally take 10-13sec to tame.
End If
Pause .00sec – 0ms – A minimum pause to create another small delay in between attempts.
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you start to tame the creature.
Release Pet (to release pets renamed a, aa, aaa, or aaaa)
Say: aaaa release
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 2) – This is the selection of releasing the pet instead of hitting cancel.
Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|2|17|109|aaaa release
Archery: One of the easier methods of training this skill to GM is to utilize an alt
character on a second account to spar with. The archery macro will
automatically equip a bow (the fastest weapon for the class) to your
hand so you do not need to worry about your weapon breaking. You should
purchase an abundance of store bought bows from an NPC bowyer since
they will do the least amount of damage. While you are sparring, you
will be healing the opponent that you are hitting. This is the best
choice for healing since you will not be interrupted by weapon hits and
it is much faster to heal someone else than it is yourself. Do not
forget to set the defender as your Last Target using Set Last Target or
one of the other Razor targeting commands. If desired, you can also
modify the attacker macro to use Magery healing instead to heal your
opponent. As for the alternate character that you are sparring against,
a macro is provided that will automatically equip a plate tunic and
plate legs so that you will have armor on. Keep plenty of spares in the
defender’s pack to be reequipped when the original ones wear out. It
is important that you tab in and out of combat on the alt character
after initiating combat so that they will not be fighting back. The
alternate character should be holding the weapon that they are trained
in (unless wrestling is their melee skill), and they will need to be
trained (roughly 60-100 displayed skill) in their weapon skill as well
for you to take the attacker to GM in archery. Note: For the two
macros, it is essential that you record yourself lifting the weapon and
armor and dropping them onto your own characters to equip them,
replacing the macro line items that are there by default. This is
because your character’s weapon and armor slots are unique to the
character. If you fail to do this, the macros will not function
properly. You can also train both characters at the same time by
modifying the macros.
Archery Attacker (the character being trained)
Lift bow (13B2) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LeftHand) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Bandage LastTarget
Pause 6.00sec – Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|2
Melee Defender (the character being hit)
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 2.00sec
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|24
Section 3: Macros: Arms Lore, Begging, Blacksmithy, Bowcraft/Fletching, Camping
Arms Lore: Target a weapon or piece of armor with set last target and then run the macro.
The macro will continue to use the arms lore skill at ~1 sec intervals
to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Arms Lore
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Begging: This skill does not seem to be enabled on Hybrid at this time. Gypsies and
Beggars are the NPCs that are supposed to be available to gain initial
training but I was unable to locate them. There appears to be no skill
delay for the use of the skill on Hybrid, although I believe that the
norm is ~10sec. You are said to need positive karma to be successful in
using the skill. Included below is the macro built for training the
skill should you decide to see if you can train it.
UseSkill Begging
Wait For Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1 sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary. Skill delay may be as much as 10sec.
Loop - Enabled
Blacksmithy: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your tongs (default blacksmithy tool). A good progression to go through
for training the skill to GM is to get some initial training from an
NPC blacksmith and then craft the following: Dagger (20-40 displayed
blacksmithy skill), Mace (40-55), Short Spear (55-90), and Plate Gorget
(90-100). You have the option of smelting the items that you create to
recover half of the ingots that were used to craft them, or you can
recall around to NPC shops and try to sell what you have made. Smelting
the items is not a difficult thing to add to the macro, but that is
beyond the scope of this guide. You can also incorporate a restock and
organizer agent to draw more ingots from a container to your pack as
needed and to move the crafted items out.
Double Click (tongs (0FB8)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type – Re-Target other tool type if desired
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Bowcraft/Fletching: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last
with your arrow fletching tools. A good progression to go through for
training the skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC
bowyer and then craft the following: Bow (30-60 displayed bowcraft
skill), Crossbow (60-80 skill), Heavy Crossbow (80-100). This skill can
take a lot of boards to GM and due to the heavy weight of the boards,
incorporating a restock agent that restocks boards to your pack when you
get low can be very useful. You have the option of either selling the
crafted items to NPCs or simply throwing them away and absorbing the
cost. If you do decide to simply throw them away, you can incorporate
lifting the crafted items and placing them into a trash barrel. Be sure
to allow 1 object delay (~600ms) per item that you will throw away,
dependant upon how you modify the macro. This will ensure that the task
of discarding the items does not interfere with the crafting of them.
Double Click (arrow fletching (1022)) – Right-click-> Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Camping: Seldom does anyone desire to train camping to GM, since you get sufficient skill just from your stat
bonuses. However, the camping skill has no skill use delay, and will
raise all three stats, and it is therefore one of the best methods to
make adjustments to your stats (besides allowing you to log out safely
in the wilderness). You simply need to double-click piles of kindling
that you get from either using a bladed item on a tree or by purchasing
it at an NPC provisioner. The following macro will enable you to train
the skill very quickly.
Double Click (kindling (0DE1))
Pause .10sec – 100ms – Adjust as desired. There is no skill use delay for camping.
Loop - Enabled
Section 3: Macros: Carpentry, Cartography, Cooking, Detecting Hidden, Discordance
Carpentry: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your saw (default carpentry tool. A good progression to go through for
training the skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC
carpenter and then craft the following: Barrel lid/Dartboard (20-30
displayed carpentry skill), Wooden Box (30-40), Medium Crate (40-50),
Ballot Box/Large Crate (50-55), Wooden Shield (55-75), Quarter Staff
(75-90), Gnarled Staff (90-100) . This skill can take a lot of boards
to GM and due to the heavy weight of the boards, incorporating a restock
agent that restocks boards to your pack when you get low can be very
useful. You have the option of either selling the crafted items to NPCs
or simply throwing them away and absorbing the cost. If you do decide
to simply throw them away, you can incorporate lifting the crafted items
and placing them into a trash barrel. Be sure to allow 1 object delay
(~600ms) per item that you will throw away, dependant upon how you
modify the macro. This will ensure that the task of discarding the
items does not interfere with the crafting of them. You can also use an
axe (double-click and target) to destroy the items, but you do not
recover any wood when doing so.
Double Click (saw (1034)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type – Re-Target other tool type if desired
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Cartography: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your mapmaker’s pen. A good progression to go through for training the
skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC mapmaker and
then craft the following: Local Map (0-50 displayed cartography skill),
City Map (50-60), Sea Map (60-70), and World Map (70-100). It appears
that the created maps cannot be sold to NPCs, so incorporating some line
items that discard the used maps into a trash barrel or drop them at
your feet would be useful. You can also incorporate a restock agent
that draws more blank scrolls to your backpack when you get low.
Double Click (pen and ink (0FBF)) – Right-click-> Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop - Enabled
Cooking: The following macro is best used if you have access to a house where you can
set up a stone oven and water trough side by side (both available as
carpentry player crafted items). The macro simply continues making
whatever it is that you made last with your cooking tool (a skillet by
default). Purchase 5-10 pitchers of water from a baker and 10-20 sacks
of flour in a town that is at normal or -30% faction taxes. A beetle is
useful for hauling your supplies around. Papua, a non-faction town,
has a bakery located near the bank on the north side of town. Once you
have attempted to prepare your first piece of dough (a non-stackable
item), run the macro to continue making dough until you cannot hold
anymore (125 item limit in your backpack). Then, run the macro to cook
your dough into bread loaves (a stackable item). Each pitcher of water
has 5 uses, and can be refilled from a water trough. They are commonly
found at a stables (Delucia, Serpent’s Hold), and you can refill the
water pitchers even as the macro is running to make dough simply by
double-clicking the empty pitchers and selecting the water trough (or
hitting last target). Each sack of flour has 20 uses. You need to
stand next to an oven to cook the bread, which is available at baker NPC
shops if do not have your own. You can often find an innkeeper that
has available gold to purchase the bread that you have successfully
An alternative method to training cooking is to purchase or harvest raw
meat or fish. Items on the barbecue list that you try to cook will cook
as many items as you have available in your pack. Because of this, if
you are trying to train the skill, it is beneficial to set up a restock
macro that pulls 1 piece of raw fish or meat to your pack at a time to
be cooked. Incorporating an organizer agent that moves a stack of fish
that you have successfully cooked (say 100 or so) back to another
container is useful to prevent you from becoming overweight. If set up
properly, this is a simpler and more efficient method of training
cooking since you can buy raw fish and meat at NPC fishermen and
butchers in large quantities. The additional steps required to set up
such a macro are not that difficult, but they are beyond the scope of
this guide.
Double Click (frypan (097F)) – Right-click-> Convert to DClick by type – Re-Target other tool type if desired
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Detecting Hidden: This macro will continue to use the detect hidden skill and target yourself at ~1 sec intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Detecting Hidden
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Target Self
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Discordance: Target a pet or monster with a razor targeting hotkey or set last target
and then run the macro. The macro will continue to use the discordance
skill at ~1 sec intervals to raise the skill to GM. The musicianship
skill is also required to successfully train discordance, and by running
the discordance macro you will train musicianship automatically faster
than by other methods. The default instrument for the macro is a drum,
and the macro will automatically target new drums if the first one wears
out. Change the instrument type in the macro by retargeting that line
item, if desired. You will have to use the skill on progressively
harder pets or monsters to get to GM.
UseSkill Discordance
If (SysMessage what instrument shall you play?) – This is what the game prompts when it doesn’t have a default instrument set yet, or your old one has worn out.
Exec: Cancel Current Target – Closes out the current target cursor from the Discordance skill
Double Click drum (0E9C)) – Right-click->Target by type – Sets any drum in pack as new default when first one has worn out.
Right-click->Re-Target different instrument type if desired.
Pause .75sec – 750ms – Adjust as necessary.
UseSkill Discordance
End If
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .75sec – 750ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|what instrument shall you play?
Section 3: Macros: Evaluate Intelligence, Fencing, Fishing, Forensic Evaluation, Healing
Evaluate Intelligence: Target a player with a razor targeting hotkey or Set Last Target and
then run the macro. The macro will continue to use the evaluate
intelligence skill at ~1 sec intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Evaluate Intelligence
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Fencing: One of the easier methods of training this skill to GM is to utilize an alt
character on a second account to spar with. The fencing macro will
automatically equip a dagger (the fastest weapon for the class) to your
hand so you do not need to worry about your weapon breaking. You should
purchase an abundance of store bought daggers from an NPC blacksmith
since they will do the least amount of damage. While you are sparring,
you will be healing the opponent that you are hitting. This is the best
choice for healing since you will not be interrupted by weapon hits and
it is much faster to heal someone else than it is yourself. Do not
forget to set the defender as your Last Target using Set Last Target or
one of the other Razor targeting commands. If desired, you can also
modify the attacker macro to use Magery healing instead to heal your
opponent. As for the alternate character that you are sparring against,
a macro is provided that will automatically equip a plate tunic and
plate legs so that you will have armor on. Keep plenty of spares in the
defender’s pack to be reequipped when the original ones wear out. It
is important that you tab in and out of combat on the alt character
after initiating combat so that they will not be fighting back. The
alternate character should be holding the weapon that they are trained
in (unless wrestling is their melee skill), and they will need to be
trained (roughly 60-100 displayed skill) in their weapon skill as well
for you to take the attacker to GM in fencing. Note: For the two
macros, it is essential that you record yourself lifting the weapon and
armor and dropping them onto your own characters to equip them,
replacing the macro line items that are there by default. This is
because your character’s weapon and armor slots are unique to the
character. If you fail to do this, the macros will not function
properly. You can also train both characters at the same time by
modifying the macros.
Fencing Attacker (the character being trained)
Lift dagger (0F52) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LeftHand) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Bandage LastTarget
Pause 6.00sec – Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|2
Melee Defender (the character being hit)
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 2.00sec
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|24
Fishing: This macro is best used while you are on a boat. The macro will use the
fishing skill at ~8sec intervals and target the same relative location.
By being on a boat that is slowly moving you can ensure that you never
run out of fish in the targeted relative location. It is also useful if
you have at least a little skill in hiding so that once you
successfully hide, you can do all your fishing without worrying about
the monsters that you might fish up. Technically, fishing is resource
gathering so you should not run the macro afk (away from keyboard), lest
you might spend some time in jail if a GM stops in the check on you.
You can change the targeted location by Right-clicking on ‘Target RelLoc
(0,-4)’ – four tiles north of you, and targeting another tile. You can
also replace it with Exec: Last Target if desired and replace the Wait
for Target with a manual pause that gives you enough time to target the
water tile you wish to fish. Set Last Target cannot be used directly to
target a water tile.
The macro is best used by traveling to the western edge of Yew and
getting on a boat until you sail west to the (0,xxxx) axis of
coordinates. From here, turn your boat so that you are facing south,
but sail slowly backwards by saying ‘slow backwards’. By doing this the
boat will sail at the slowest speed along a path that is not
interrupted by land, and you will be traveling north (with the boat
facing south). If you try to sail with your boat in the forward
direction, you will notice that the boat moves too quickly for you to
fish the target location successfully.
Double Click fishing pole (0DC0)
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Target RelLoc (0,-4)
Pause 8.10sec – 8100ms
Loop - Enabled
Forensic Evaluation: Target a corpse or player with set last target and then run the macro.
The macro will continue to use the Forensic Evaluation skill at ~1 sec
intervals to raise the skill to GM. Initially, train the skill up on
corpses until you can start getting gains from players.
UseSkill Forensics
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Healing: A simple macro that attempts to resurrect a player ghost at ~10sec intervals
will train both Healing and Anatomy skills to GM. Use Set Last Target
to assign the player ghost that you will be trying to resurrect as your
last target. You do ‘not’ resurrect the player that is dead for this
macro; just let the player remain as a ghost for the duration of the
Execute: Bandage LastTarget – This command will give you a timer, if set up in your display bar. You can also record yourself
double-clicking on a stack of bandages (convert to target by type), and
hitting Razor’s lasttarget, with a pause of about 10.00sec in between
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms. Delay between bandage attempts. Make sure that you can hear the bandage actually being applied before a new
bandage is started. Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Section 3: Macros: Herding, Hiding, Inscription, Item Identification, Lockpicking
Herding: The following macro will attempt to herd targets to your location. In order
to gain in herding, the creatures must be tameable and you need to tame
progressively more difficult creatures until you get to GM. You need
to have a shepherd’s crook (available at an NPC Carpenter) in either
your hand or your backpack.
Double Click (shepherd’s crook (0E81)) – Convert to Target by type
Wait For Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Wait For Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Target Self
Pause .50sec – 500ms – Adjust if necessary
Loop – Enabled
Hiding: Hiding can be trained by using a macro that attempts to use the Hiding skill
once every 10 seconds. Because you have the ability to hide with
guaranteed success in your own home, it is best to train hiding out in
the middle of nowhere to get the best gains. Try to find a place where
no one will find you that is outside of guardzone. Luckily, you do not
need to carry any resources to train this skill.
UseSkill Hiding
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms
Loop - Enabled
Inscription: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your scribe’s pen. A good progression to go through for training the
skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC mage and then
craft the following: Recall(BP,BM,MR)/Lightning(MR,SA) Scrolls (20-65
displayed inscription skill), Flamestrike(SS,SA) Scrolls (65-100),
Earthquake(BM,GI, MR,SA) Scrolls (80-100). Alternatively, if you have
the funds and resources, you can finish the skill off with the
following: Runebooks (65-80), BOD Books (80-100). The nice thing about
the later method of finishing the skill off is that you do not have to
wait for mana to craft the items; however, it is very resource
intensive. The former method works fine as well, and you can usually
find plenty of NPC Mage Shops that will buy your scrolls. You can
incorporate restock and organizer agents into the macro to restock blank
scrolls and reagents to your backpack when you get low, and to transfer
completed scrolls back to another container. Inscription 1 Macro is
used for crafting the Lvl 4 spell scrolls – Recall/Lightning, and
Inscription 2 Macro is used for crafting the Lvl 7 scrolls –
Flamestrike. You will need to have whatever spell scrolls you are
trying to craft already in your spellbook. Inscription is a much easier
skill to train to GM if you do it early when you have little to no
points invested toward your skill cap of 700.
Inscription 1 (Recall/Lightning Scrolls):
If (Mana >= 11)
Double Click (pen and ink (0FBF)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana >= 11 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 15sec - Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Loop - Enabled
Inscription 2 (Flamestrike Scrolls):
If (Mana >= 40)
Double Click (pen and ink (0FBF)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana >= 40 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 40sec - Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Loop - Enabled
Item Identification: Target a weapon or piece of armor with Set Last Target and then run the
macro. The macro will continue to use the Item Identification skill at
~1 sec intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Item Identification
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enabled
Lockpicking: To train this skill, it is best if you have wooden boxes that have been
crafted by a tinker of varying levels of skill on-hand. You should get
some initial training from a Thief Guildmaster (Vandoren at West Britian
Bank and Odessa at the Delucia Inn are both easy to find) and purchase
or acquire wooden boxes made by a carpenter with a tinkering skill of
25(if desired to forego NPC training), 50, 75, and GM tinkering skill.
From 0-25 skill, use the wooden box made with tinkering skill of 25 or
buy initial skill from an NPC. From 25-50 skill, use the wooden box
made with tinkering skill of 50. From 50-75 skill, use the wooden box
made with tinkering skill of 75, and from 75-95 skill, use the wooden
box made with GM tinkering skill. In your backpack, you will place
lockpicks, the wooden box, and the copper key, and then run one of the
macros to follow. Once you reach 95 skill, you will either have to
train to GM by opening Lvl 4 (cleverly) treasure chests or use Faction
skill loss (the easier method by far) to finish your training to GM. To
give you an idea, it only takes about 5 or 6 death/resurrection/train
cycles to get from 95-100 using the Faction skill loss method. You can
either die by an enemy faction member or commit faction suicide. By
keeping all of your training items in one backpack, and performing the
cycle near an NPC healer, you can complete the 95-100 training in less
than 30 minutes. Remember that your ‘displayed skill' (show-real off)
will go to 2/3 of your skill level at the time of your death, so you
will likely have to switch back to a wooden box that was made by a
Tinker of the 50-75 skill level range.
The first macro, Lockpicking 1, attempts to target your stack of
lockpicks, copper key, and wooden box by type. You can try this one
first, since it takes the hassle out of having to specifically target
the particular items that you have. Sometimes though, razor will
remember prior wooden boxes or items that you have had in your inventory
if they are still close to you. You can try recalling to a new
location with only your current training items in your backpack, or you
can try logging out, closing out the client, and then logging back in to
try to fix this. If you continue to get ‘That is too far away.’
messages, then you can set up and use the second macro.
Lockpicking 2 will target your stack of lockpicks, copper key, and
wooden box as absolute targets. If you are building your own macro from
scratch or you are editing the first macro, you can get the Absolute
Target line items into your macro by Right-clicking on a line item,
selecting 'Begin Recording Here', and then using the Set Last Target
Hotkey followed by the targeting of your particular items. Be sure to
delete the added Exec: Set Last Target commands. If you have created
the Lockpicking 2 macro using the cut and paste method, then you can
simply Right-click the appropriate line items as shown below, and then
Re-Target your particular items. This can be a more reliable macro for
this task, if you are experiencing problems with the Lockpicking 1
macro. You will need to Re-Target the necessary line items any time you
start using a new stack of lockpicks, or switch to a new wooden box and
key to continue your training.
Lockpicking 1 (Target by Type)
Double Click (lockpicks (14FC)) – Convert to Target by Type
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Target by Type wooden box (09AA) – Convert to Target by Type
Pause 4.00sec – 4000ms
If (SysMessage the lock quickly yields to your skill.)
Double Click (copper key (100E)) – Convert to Target by Type
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Target by Type wooden box (09AA) – Convert to Target by Type
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust as necessary
End If
If (SysMessage this does not appear to be locked.)
Double Click (copper key (100E)) – Convert to Target by Type
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Target by Type wooden box (09AA) – Convert to Target by Type
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust as necessary
End If
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|the lock quickly yields to your skill.
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|this does not appear to be locked.
Lockpicking 2 (Target Absolute Targets - lockpick stack, wooden box, and key)
Double Click (0xXXXXXXXX) – The lockpick stack – Right-click->Retarget your lockpick stack
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Absolute Target – The wooden box you are trying to pick – Right-click->Re-Target your wooden box
Pause 4.00sec – 4000ms
If (SysMessage the lock quickly yields to your skill.)
Double Click (0xXXXXXXXX) – The copper key for the wooden box – Right-click->Re-Target your key
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Absolute Target – The wooden box you are trying to pick – Right-click->Re-Target your wooden box
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust as necessary
End If
If (SysMessage this does not appear to be locked.)
Double Click (0xXXXXXXXX) – The copper key for the wooden box – Right-click->Re-Target your key
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Absolute Target – The wooden box you are trying to pick – Right-click->Re-Target your wooden box
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust as necessary
End If
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|the lock quickly yields to your skill.
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|this does not appear to be locked.
Section 3: Macros: Lumberjacking, Mace Fighting, Magery, Meditation, Mining
Lumberjacking: The lumberjacking skill is best trained in conjunction with the
swordsmanship melee skill by simply uses any of the axes or a hatchet as
your melee weapon (not the halberd, bardiche, or war axe). If desired,
you can also set up a macro that double-clicks or uses the axe in your
hand and target a tree, while you use Set Last Target to switch from
tree to tree. That is, however, a more cumbersome and less desirable
Mace Fighting: One of the easier methods of training this skill to GM is to utilize an
alt character on a second account to spar with. The macing macro will
automatically equip a quarterstaff (the fastest weapon for the class) to
your hand so you do not need to worry about your weapon breaking. You
should purchase an abundance of store bought quarterstaffs from an NPC
Carpenter since they will do the least amount of damage. While you are
sparring, you will be healing the opponent that you are hitting. This
is the best choice for healing since you will not be interrupted by
weapon hits and it is much faster to heal someone else than it is
yourself. Do not forget to set the defender as your Last Target using
Set Last Target or one of the other Razor targeting commands. If
desired, you can also modify the attacker macro to use Magery healing
instead to heal your opponent. As for the alternate character that you
are sparring against, a macro is provided that will automatically equip a
plate tunic and plate legs so that you will have armor on. Keep plenty
of spares in the defender’s pack to be reequipped when the original
ones wear out. It is important that you tab in and out of combat on the
alt character after initiating combat so that they will not be fighting
back. The alternate character should be holding the weapon that they
are trained in (unless wrestling is their melee skill), and they will
need to be trained (roughly 60-100 displayed skill) in their weapon
skill as well for you to take the attacker to GM in macing. Note: For
the two macros, it is essential that you record yourself lifting the
weapon and armor and dropping them onto your own characters to equip
them, replacing the macro line items that are there by default. This is
because your character’s weapon and armor slots are unique to the
character. If you fail to do this, the macros will not function
properly. You can also train both characters at the same time by
modifying the macros.
Macing Attacker (the character being trained)
Lift quarter staff (0E89) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LeftHand) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Bandage LastTarget
Pause 6.00sec – Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|2
Melee Defender (the character being hit)
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 2.00sec – Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|24
Magery: After gaining some initial training from an NPC mage, the following three
macros can be used to GM both Magery and Resisting Spells. Use Magery 1
from 30-60 displayed Magery skill. Use Magery 2 from 60-75 displayed
Magery skill. Use Magery 3 from 75-100 displayed Magery skill and GM
Resisting Spells, if desired. The three spells Mana Drain(BP,MR,SS),
Invisibility(BM,NS), and Mana Vampire(BP,BM,MR,SS) are used. It is
generally useful to stock about 100-300 of the required reagents for the
given spell to be used and then let the macro run its course. You can
set up counters for the individual reagents using the Display/Counters
tab and incorporate a restock agent into the macro to automatically
restock your reagents when they get low. That is beyond the scope of
this guide however. Scrolls can also be used (they treats spells as if
they were being cast at 2 circles lower) if you have them in abundance,
as they do not consume reagents or the scroll if you fail.
Magery 1 (30-60 displayed Magery skill)
If (Mana >= 11)
Exec: Mana Drain
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Target Self
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana>=11 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 15sec. Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Casting Recovery Time – Adjust if necessary
Loop - Enabled
Magery 2 (60-75 displayed Magery skill)
If (Mana >= 20)
Exec: Invisibility
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 3sec
Exec: Target Self
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana>=20 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 20sec. Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Casting Recovery Time – Adjust if necessary
Loop - Enabled
Magery 3 (75-100 displayed Magery skill and GM Resisting Spells if desired)
If (Mana >= 40)
Exec: Mana Vampire
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 3sec
Exec: Target Self
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana>=40 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 30sec. Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Casting Recovery Time – Adjust if necessary
Loop - Enabled
Meditation: Meditation does not really need its own training macro. Gains in the
Meditation skill are achieved during passive mana regeneration, so any
of the Magery related macros will work fine to GM this skill, or you can
just allow it to gain through normal spell use.
Mining: This macro makes it easy to walk around and mine quickly using shovels. For
training, once you get into the higher levels of the mining skill, you
will get faster gains from mining the higher quality ore veins. With
the macro presented you simply walk around and hit your set last target
hotkey and then target the ground where you want to mine. You can also
use the macro to mine the sides of mountains by targeting the junction
where the mountain meets the ground, but you need to give the macro a
brief moment to double-click the shovels again (after hitting Set Last
Target) so that you can target where you will dig (since Set Last Target
alone will not allow you to target the side of the mountain). The goal
is to achieve continuous motion in your mining. If the macro appears
to frequently stop briefly in between digging attempts, then some
adjustment should be made to the pauses in the macro. The pauses should
be close to your ideal object delay setting, maybe a little less. For
this macro, and the purpose of training, the razor feature – ‘Auto-Stack
Ore/Fish/Logs at Feet’ and ‘Filter Repeating System Messages’ is turned
‘off’ to aid in getting things set right and to minimize the object
delays lost to dropping the ore to the ground. The macro will
automatically drop 2 stacks of ore (for two different colors) at your
feet if the weight gets heavy enough. If you currently have low
strength, you can adjust that setting as needed by Right-clicking that
line item and choosing ‘Edit’.
A small variation to the macro below that is very useful for mining
inside of caves is to replace the ‘Exec: Last Target’ with ‘Target
Relative Location (0,0)’. You can accomplish this by Right-clicking
inside the macro, select ‘Begin Recording Here’, and then record
yourself hitting Set Last Target and then targeting the ground directly
below your feet. Once you have done that, Right-click, and then select
Convert to Relative Location. Delete the ‘Set Last Target’ added and
move the ‘Target RelLoc (0,0)’ to the place where the ‘Exec: Last Target
was’, and then delete the ‘Exec: Last Target’ line item. This works in
mines (but not on the side of mountains) such that all you need to do
is walk around and the macro will mine if there is ore available in that
Double Click Shovel ((0F39)) – I use shovels because they are light and inexpensive
Wait For Target – Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Adjust as necessary. Ideal setting is likely slightly less than your ideal object delay setting. Getting this
pause set right based on your ping is needed to achieve the most
efficient mining.
If (Weight >= 390) – Adjust as necessary if you have low strength
For (1 to 2)
Lift Iron Ore (19B9) – 40
Drop (Relative) @ (0,0,0)
Pause .60sec – 600ms - Adjust as necessary. Ideal setting is likely slightly less than your ideal object delay setting
End For
End If
Loop - Enabled
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Section 3: Macros: Musicianship, Parrying, Peacemaking, Poisoning, Provocation
Musicianship: This skill is best trained by using a macro that trains discordance.
You can train the musicianship skill in that manner much faster than
trying to simply play an instrument because of the short skill delay
with discordance of 1 sec. Should you not want to train discordance as
well, simply keep it locked so that your skill in musicianship goes up,
but your discordance skill does not. Should you try to train
musicianship by simply playing an instrument, a Pause of about 6.0sec
will be required in between double-click attempts on the instrument. If
you are going to train peacemaking, you can also train musicianship
along with it at the same time just by using the Peacemaking skill.
Parrying: The parrying macro will automatically equip a full suit of plate armor and a
heater shield. You should purchase or craft an abundance of extra
plate armor items and heater shields. In order to get the fastest gains
for parrying, you want your opponents to successfully succeed in their
chance to hit you so that the parrying check is made. Unless you are
training both parrying and your melee skill together, you want to have
your weapon hand empty (unless you are a wrestler in which case put a
dagger or other weapon in your hand). The macro is designed to be
trained in the field where you can aggress a bunch of monsters and just
let them hit you. Get as many low-damage monsters as you can handle
attacking you as long as your healing can keep up with the damage. Yew
is a good place to accomplish this. If desired, you can also use alt
characters to attack and heal you by following the macro guide for their
particular melee skills. Be sure to keep plenty of extra shields in
your backpack. You can tab in and out of combat after initiating combat
so that you will not be fighting back. Note: it is essential that you
record yourself lifting armor and shield pieces and dropping them onto
your own character to equip them, replacing the macro line items that
are there by default. This is because your character’s weapon and armor
slots are unique to the character. If you fail to do this, the macro
will not function properly.
Exec: Bandage Self
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift heater shield (1B76) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:Left Hand) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift plate helm (1412) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:Head) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail gloves (1414) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:Gloves) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift plate gorget (1413) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:Neck) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift plate arms (1410) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:Arms) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 6.00sec – Adjust as necessary
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|2
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|24
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|6
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|7
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|10
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|19
Peacemaking: This skill is easily trained by running a macro that uses the Peacemaking
skill and targets yourself to attempt to perform an area peace attempt
once every 10sec. The musicianship skill is also required to
successfully train peacemaking. The default instrument for the macro is a
drum, and the macro will automatically target new drums if the first
one wears out. Change the instrument type in the macro by retargeting
that line item, if desired.
UseSkill Peacemaking
If (SysMessage what instrument shall you play?)
Exec: Cancel Current Target – Closes out the current target cursor from the Peacemaking skill
Double Click drum (0E9C)) – Right-click->Target by type – Sets any drum in pack as the new default when first one wears out.
Right-click->Re-Target different instrument type if desired.
Pause 9.85sec – 9850ms – Adjust as necessary
UseSkill Peacemaking
End If
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Target Self
Pause 9.85sec – 9850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|what instrument shall you play?
Poisoning: After gaining some initial training from a Thief Guildmaster (Vandoren at West
Britian Bank and Odessa at the Delucia Inn are easy to find), you can
train this skill by applying poison to an apple(default) along the
following progression: Lesser Poison (20-40 displayed poisoning skill),
Poison (40-65), Greater Poison (65-100), Deadly Poison (90-100). If you
train this skill as one of the first skills with a low amount of skill
points invested towards your skill cap, it should be easy enough to take
it all the way to GM with Greater Poison. If you are having difficulty
toward the end of your training, sometimes it is useful to switch to
Deadly Poison for the last 99-100 skill points, or sooner if you are
training the skill at the cap. Place a keg of the desired Poison, along
with an apple and an empty bottle inside your pack and start the macro.
Change out empty kegs for new ones as you go. Occasionally your
fingers will slip and you will become poisoned. The macro will allow
the poison to run its course and then restore you to full health with
the Magery skill. If desired, you can replace the Magery related
healing line items with Healing skill ones (Exec: Bandage Self, Pause
12.00sec – Adjust as needed based upon your dexterity).
If (Poisoned) - This section allows the poison to run its course if your fingers slip
Pause 24.00sec – 24000ms
End If
If (Hits (галка в левую сторону, форум не понимает символа)= 80) - This section keeps you healed after the poison has run its course
Exec: Greater Heal
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Target Self
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Casting Recovery Time
End If
If (Hits (галка в левую сторону, форум не понимает символа)= 80) – This second healing If/Then statement is part of the design for healing
Exec: Greater Heal
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Target Self
End If
UseSkill Poisoning
Pause .10sec – 100ms – Adjust as necessary – Chosen for reliability
Target by Type Green Potion (0F0A) – Convert to Target by Type
Pause .10sec – 100ms – Adjust as necessary – Chosen for reliability
Target by Type apple (09D0)
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Object Delay – Adjust as necessary
Double Click (keg(1940)) – Convert to Target by Type
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms – Adjust as necessary
Loop - Enabled
Provocation: This skill is easily trained by running a macro that uses the Provocation
skill once every 10sec. This enables you to get the most provocation
attempts in without wasting additional time, and frees up a few extra
keystrokes. Be sure to pull the stickybars of the creatures that you
are trying to provoke to make it easy for you to click them with the
target cursors that come up. The musicianship skill is also required to
successfully train provocation. The default instrument for the macro is
a drum, and the macro will automatically target new drums if the first
one wears out. Change the instrument type in the macro by retargeting
that line item, if desired. You will have to use the skill on
progressively harder pets or monsters to get to GM.
UseSkill Provocation
If (SysMessage what instrument shall you play?)
Exec: Cancel Current Target – Closes out the current target cursor from the Provocation skill
Double Click drum (0E9C)) – Right-click->Target by type – Sets any drum in pack as new default when first one wears out.
Right-click->Re-Target different instrument type if desired.
Pause 9.85sec – 9850ms – Adjust as necessary
UseSkill Provocation
End If
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Pause 9.85sec – 9850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|what instrument shall you play?
Section 3: Macros: Remove Trap, Resisting Spells, Snooping, Spirit Speak, Stealing
Remove Trap: In order to begin training this skill, you must invest at least 50 skill
points (show real-on) in both the lockpicking and detect hidden skills.
At that point, it is best to get initial training in the remove trap
skill from a tinker or thief guildmaster (Vandoren at West Britian Bank
and Odessa at the Delucia Inn are both easy to find). In order to train
this skill efficiently, it is easiest to train the skill right
alongside tinkering, since you will need to disarm traps that are at
about the same level in tinkering as you are in remove traps.
Your success in removing the traps is somewhat dependant on the amount
of armor you wear, and specifically your gloves. Thus, you can try
putting on studded, ringmail, platemail gloves to try to extend your
gains further on traps that you created with a lower tinkering skill.
The macro presented will try to replace a trap of the same type that you
made last from the tinkering gump, as well as make use of the Remove
Trap skill to remove the traps that you place on a wooden box. You can
leave the box unlocked. You can use dart traps all the way to GM, but
be sure to keep your Tinkering skill (which determines the difficulty of
your traps) fairly close to your Remove Trap skill. You will likely
find that your Remove Trap skill training outpaces your Tinkering skill,
and thus it can be useful to take short breaks from training Remove
Trap to create lockpicks to easily gain in Tinkering once you hit 45
skill level. Once you hit 70-80 skill in Remove Trap or so, it can be
very useful to start using Faction skill loss, which temporarily drops
all your skills to 2/3 of their normal levels at the time of your death.
In order to go into Faction skill loss, you simply need to die by an
enemy faction member or commit faction suicide. You will have about 4
minutes to train for each death/resurrection/train cycle, and the skill
does still take a fairly substantial amount of time to train if you are
doing it at the cap. I used the same wooden box, crafted at an early
skill level in tinkering 25-30 to complete the entire training, so the
skill success and failure of the Remove Trap skill is primarily
dependant on the skill level of the tinker that created the trap.
Sometimes, razor will remember items that you had recently in your
inventory if they are still close to you, or have difficulty locating
items by type in some macros. Thus, the current macro provided uses an
absolute style target for the wooden box you will be attempting to
remove traps from. If you are using the cut and paste method of
creating your macro, you will need to Re-Target the two line items that
target the wooden box. Simply Right-click on those line items, select
Re-Target, and then target the wooden box that you are using.
Double Click (toolkit (1EB8))
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Absolute Target – Right-click->Re-Target your own wooden box
Pause 1.00sec – 1000ms – Adjust if necessary
UseSkill Remove Trap
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
Absolute Target – Right-click->Re-Target your own wooden box
Pause .00sec – 0ms – Minimum pause to slightly delay macro
If (SysMessage that doesn’t appear to be trapped.)
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec – Since no target will come, this sends macro to top
Pause 9.00sec – 9000ms – Adjust if necessary
End If
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|that doesn't appear to be trapped.
Resisting Spells: This skill is usually trained in combination with Magery when you are
training the skill on yourself. See the Magery section for more
details, specifically the macro Magery 3. The following macro is a
slight variation that is used for using additional mages to cast Mana
Vampire(BP,BM,MR,SS) on a target. Just use your Set Last Target Hotkey
and target the player or pet that you wish to assist in raising the
Resisting Spells skill on. Again, this macro is used for training the
Resisting Spells skill on other players or pets. Use the Magery 3 macro
from the Magery section to train the skill on yourself. Alternatively,
you can replace the ‘Exec: Last Target’ with ‘Exec: Target Self’. When
using the macro to train on a pet, and you have a player with the
discordance skill available, it is often useful to use discordance to
reduce the pets Resisting Spells skill and total skill points by ~20% at
GM. A macro to assist in doing that is not covered in this guide, but
it is a useful technique to get faster gains when you are not concerned
about the expense of reagents.
Resisting Spells On Other Player Or Pet
If (Mana >= 40)
Exec: Mana Vampire
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 3sec
Exec: Last Target
Exec: Meditation
Wait for Mana>=40 – Right-click->Edit timeout to 30sec. Adjust if desired. Med skill and Int is a factor.
End If
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Casting Recovery Time – Adjust if necessary
Loop - Enabled
Snooping: This skill is easily trained by running a macro that double-clicks a player
or NPC’s backpack repeatedly at 600ms intervals. Using a character on
an alt account is an ideal way to accomplish this, but you can also use
an escort from town, although you do have to stay within 1 tile. You
can also snoop someone else’s pack llama, pack horse, or beetle to train
this. Note: Remember that even if you use the cut and paste method to
create the macro from the code, you will still have to edit the macro
in Razor and right-click the double-click action to assign it to the
backpack that you will be snooping.
Double Click (0xXXXXXXXX) – Right-Click->Re-Target the backpack from the player or NPC’s paperdoll or the pack animal that you
will snoop(someone else’s).
Pause .60sec – 600ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Spirit Speak: This skill is easily trained by running a macro that uses the skill once every second.
UseSkill Spirit Speak
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary
Loop – Enabled
Stealing: This skill is easily trained by purchasing a backpack (or other container)
and a bag from a provisioner and then preparing a macro that will steal
the bag from the backpack while it sits open on the ground in front of
you. If the bag is successfully stolen, the macro will pick up and drop
the bag back into the backpack so that it can be stolen again. In
order to train the skill to GM, you need to gradually increase the
weight of the bag and its contents to keep up with your skill. For
example, if your current skill is 30, place two individual pieces of
gold or 2 sewing kits in the bag so the total weight of the bag and
contents is 4 stones (the bag weighs 2 stones). At GM you will be able
to steal a total of 10 stones using targeted stealing. Train the skill
initially with a thief guildmaster (Vandoren at West Britian Bank and
Odessa at the poker table of Delucia Inn are easy to find). Once you
have purchased the backpack and bag from a provisioner, and have built
or copied the basic macro, you will need to edit it as follows.
Right-click on the Absolute Target and Retarget the bag that you will be
stealing. Then Right-click in the macro and select ‘Begin Recording
Here’ and record yourself picking up the bag and dropping it back into
the backpack on the ground. Move your recorded actions such that they
replace the current lift and drop actions, and then you should be ready
to start training yourself. Remember, that the total weight of the bag
and its contents should roughly coincide with your current skill level
on a 1:10 skill point basis(ie skill 35, bag and contents weighs 4-5
UseSkill Stealing
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Absolute Target – The bag that you are trying to steal. You need to retarget for your own bag.
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust as necessary
Lift 1-0xXXXXXXXX – The action of lifting the bag.. You need to record yourself lifting your own bag, and replace this line item with yours.
Drop to (0xXXXXXXXX) – The action of dropping to the backpack on the ground. You need to record yourself dropping the bag to the
backpack you have placed on the ground, and replace this line item with
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms – Adjust as necessary
Loop – Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x40B0212B|(102, 75, 0)|0
Section 3: Macros: Stealth, Swordsmanship, Tactics, Tailoring, Taste Identification
Stealth: In order to begin training stealth you must have attained at least 30 skill in
Hiding. Paying for some initial training at a thief guildmaster for
both the Hiding and Stealth skills is a good way to get started.
Vandoren at West Britian Bank and Odessa at the poker table at the Inn
in Delucia are some of the easier to find thief guildmasters. This
macro can take you all the way to GM in both skills. Hiding has no real
prerequisites, but you will get the best gains if you train outside of
guardzone. In order to train stealth, in addition to needing at least
30 skill in Hiding, you will have to wear progressively heavier armor to
get gains. You can mix and match different pieces of armor, but you
will know that you are wearing too much if you get the system message
‘You could not hope to move quietly wearing this much armor’. If you
get that message, remove some of your armor pieces, or use less clunky
armor and try again. You cannot get gains unless you have a chance to
succeed and a chance to fail. A variation on the macro provided is to
record yourself using two different moongates and incorporate this into
the macro in order to eliminate the ~10sec skill delay associated with
Hiding. This works because using a moongate automatically hides you,
but you are potentially vulnerable to getting killed by a PK, though it
is somewhat unlikely (since moongates are in guardzone and you are
hidden most of the time).
UseSkill Stealth
If (SysMessage you must hide first)
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms – Adjust if necessary
UseSkill Hiding
End If
If (SysMessage you fail in your attempt to move unnoticed.)
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms – Adjust if necessary
UseSkill Hiding
End If
Pause 10.00sec – 10000ms – Adjust if necessary
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you must hide first
Assistant.Macros.IfAction|4|0|you fail in your attempt to move unnoticed.
Swordsmanship: One of the easier methods of training this skill to GM is to utilize an
alt character on a second account to spar with. The swordsmanship macro
will automatically equip a katana (the fastest weapon for the class) to
your hand so you do not need to worry about your weapon breaking. You
should purchase an abundance of store bought katanas from an NPC
blacksmith since they will do the least amount of damage. While you are
sparring, you will be healing the opponent that you are hitting. This
is the best choice for healing since you will not be interrupted by
weapon hits and it is much faster to heal someone else than it is
yourself. Do not forget to set the defender as your Last Target using
Set Last Target or one of the other Razor targeting commands. If
desired, you can also modify the attacker macro to use Magery healing
instead to heal your opponent. As for the alternate character that you
are sparring against, a macro is provided that will automatically equip a
plate tunic and plate legs so that you will have armor on. Keep plenty
of spares in the defender’s pack to be reequipped when the original
ones wear out. It is important that you tab in and out of combat on the
alt character after initiating combat so that they will not be fighting
back. The alternate character should be holding the weapon that they
are trained in (unless wrestling is their melee skill), and they will
need to be trained (roughly 60-100 displayed skill) in their weapon
skill as well for you to take the attacker to GM in swordsmanship.
Note: For the two macros, it is essential that you record yourself
lifting the weapon and armor and dropping them onto your own characters
to equip them, replacing the macro line items that are there by default.
This is because your character’s weapon and armor slots are unique to
the character. If you fail to do this, the macros will not function
properly. You can also train both characters at the same time by
modifying the macros.
Swords Attacker (the character being trained)
Lift katana (13FF) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LeftHand) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Bandage LastTarget
Pause 6.00sec – Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x2CB28|(0, 0, 0)|2
Melee Defender (the character being hit)
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 2.00sec
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|24
Tactics: The tactics skill is trained automatically when successfully striking an
opponent with any of the melee skills. To ensure the quickest gains,
use the fastest weapon for the skill that you are proficient in and
target a character that you have a 100% chance to hit. This can be
accomplished by placing a weapon in your target’s hand that they are
‘not’ proficient in. Alternatively, you can simply train tactics along
with the training of your melee skill, and they will both rise in skill
at approximately the same rate.
Tailoring: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your sewing kit. A good progression to go through for training the
skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC tailor and then
craft the following: Fancy Shirt (25-45 displayed tailoring skill),
Cloak (45-60), Leather Gloves (60-70), Female Leather Armor (70-75), Oil
Cloth (75-97), Studded Gorget (97-100). You will likely want to recall
around and sell the items that you have successfully crafted to NPC
tailors, blacksmiths, and armorers to recoup some of your costs.
Tailoring can be a good way to make money in general when you are
starting out. You can also incorporate line items into the macro to cut
up the items that you create, if desired, to recoup half of the
material used to craft them.
Double Click (sewing kit (0F9D)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop – Enabled
Taste Identification: Target a piece of food with set last target and then run the macro.
The macro will continue to use the taste identification skill at ~1 sec
intervals to raise the skill to GM.
UseSkill Taste Identification
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause .85sec – 850ms – Adjust as necessary.
Loop - Enable
Section 3: Macros: Tinkering, Tracking, Veterinary, Wrestling
Tinkering: This macro simply continues making whatever it is that you made last with
your tinker tools. A good progression to go through for training the
skill to GM is to get some initial training from an NPC tinker and then
craft the following: Tinker tools (20-50 displayed tinkering skill),
Lockpick (50-90), Spyglass (90-100). You can incorporate line items
into the macro to drop the crafted items at your feet if desired, but
the majority of your training will result in the crafting of lockpicks
which are stackable and can be kept. Your stats will usually provide
you with enough of a bonus to the carpentry skill to allow you to craft
wooden boxes (21 minimum skill required). As you are training your
tinkering skill up, it is an excellent time to craft a few wooden boxes
should you ever desire to train lockpicking in the future. Your
tinkering skill will allow the wooden boxes to be crafted with a lock
with a difficulty that is based on your tinkering skill. Try to craft
at least one wooden box at 25, 50, 75, and 100 displayed skill level in
tinkering and keep them in a safe location for training lockpicking down
the road. You can take all the keys and place them on a key ring for
easy use. The tinkering skill is an excellent skill to have on at least
one of your characters so that you can create tools of exceptional
quality which last a lot longer than normal store bought ones.
Double Click (tool kit (1EB8)) – Right-click->Convert to DClick by type
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 1sec
GumpResponse (Button 21) - This is the Make Last selection
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Loop - Enabled
Tracking: This macro will attempt to use the tracking skill at ~10sec intervals to track players.
UseSkill Tracking
Wait For Gump (Any) – Right-click->Edit Timeout to 1sec
Gump Response (Button 4) – Track Players
Pause 10.00sec – Adjust as necessary
Loop - Enabled
Veterinary: A macro that attempts to resurrect a dead but bonded pet can be used to
train the veterinary and animal lore skills to GM. Use Set Last Target
to assign the pet ghost that you will be trying to resurrect as your
last target. You do ‘not’ resurrect the pet that is dead for this
macro, just let it remain as a ghost for the duration of the training.
Execute: Bandage LastTarget – This command will give you a timer, if set up in your display bar. You can also record yourself
double-clicking on a stack of bandages(convert to target by type), and
hitting razor’s lasttarget, with a pause of about 10.00sec in between
Pause 5.00sec – 5000ms. Delay between bandage attempts. Make sure that you can hear the bandage actually being applied before a new
bandage is started. Adjust as necessary.
Loop – Enabled
Wrestling: One of the easier methods of training this skill to GM is to utilize an alt
character on a second account to spar with. While you are sparring, you
will be healing the opponent that you are hitting. The default method
of healing for this macro is with magery, but you can incorporate
bandage healing instead if desired. By healing with the attacker, you
will not be interrupted by weapon hits. Do not forget to set the
defender as your Last Target using Set Last Target or one of the other
Razor targeting commands. As for the alternate character that you are
sparring against, a macro is provided that will automatically equip a
plate tunic and plate legs so that you will have armor on. Keep plenty
of spares in the defender’s pack to be reequipped when the original ones
wear out. It is important that you tab in and out of combat on the alt
character after initiating combat so that they will not be fighting
back. The alternate character should be holding the weapon that they
are trained in (unless wrestling is their melee skill), and they will
need to be trained (roughly 60-100 displayed skill) in their weapon
skill as well for you to take the attacker to GM in wrestling. Note:
For the defender’s macro, it is essential that you record yourself
lifting the armor pieces and dropping them onto your own character to
equip them, replacing the macro line items that are there by default.
This is because your character’s weapon and armor slots are unique to
the character. If you fail to do this, the macro will not function
properly. You can also train both characters at the same time by
modifying the macros.
Wrestling Attacker (the character being trained)
Exec: Greater Heal
Wait for Target – Right-click->Edit timeout to 2sec
Exec: Last Target
Pause 60.00sec – 60000ms - Adjust as needed to keep the defender healed
Loop - Enabled
Melee Defender (the character being hit)
Lift platemail (1415) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:InnerTorso) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Lift platemail (1411) – 1 – Convert to Lift by Type
Equip to 0xXXXXX (L:LastUserValid) – You must replace this with what you record
Pause .70sec – 700ms – Adjust if necessary
Exec: Drop What You are Currently Holding – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Exec: Clear Drag/Drop Queue – A precaution to ensure the macro keeps working
Pause 2.00sec – Adjust as needed
Loop - Enabled
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|13
Assistant.Macros.DropAction|0x9C78B|(0, 0, 0)|24
This is the macro I'm using to raise magery resist. I'm also keeping anatomy and healing as this will be a Dex based character.
If ( Hits (галка в левую сторону, форум не понимает символа)=99 )
Double Click (clean bandages%s% (OE21))
Pause 2.00sec
Exec: Target Self
Pause 12.00sec
If ( Mana (галка в левую сторону, форум не понимает символа)=39 )
Use Skill Meditation
If ( Hits >=99 )
Exec: Restock Agent-4
Absolute Target
Cast Spell Flamestrike (#51)
Pause 2.00sec
Exec: Target Self
Restock Agent is set to 1 of each reg needed for the spell and 3 bandages in case the heal fails.
Also my hotkey will most likely be different than yours for the restock agent.
Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-4
Оригинальное сообщение первой темы топика:
копий, как и ранее скаченные макросы никто не может предоставить, на
данный момент.
Готовые макросы (47 макросов)
Далее следует несколько макросов под программу Razor, которые облегчат
Вам игру. Тестировались не все макросы, потому некоторые из них могут не
работать или работать некорректно.
Предвещая некоторые вопросы, напишу сразу: Если у Вас не выбирает
предмет или таргет указывает на другой, то Вам надо переназначить
предмет. Для этого выделите строку макроса (где указан тип предмета или
его ID) и нажав правой кнопкой мыши выберите пункт "Выбрать цель
заново". Затем появившимся таргетом укажите нужный предмет. Далее опять
нажав правой кнопкой мыши по измененной строке Вы увидите "Преобразовать
в "Двойной Щелчок" по типу". Вы можете выбрать этот пункт, если
захотите, чтобы использовались все предметы данного типа.
Макросы для крафта:
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
Bowcraft and Flething
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
Inscription (FlameStrike Scrolls)
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь. Будет медитировать, пока не
станет 40 маны. Для создания свитков высоких кругов.
Inscription (Recall or Lightning Scrolls)
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь. Будет медитировать, пока не
станет 11 маны. Для создания свитков низких кругов.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
В рюкзаке должно быть все необходимое. Будет крафтить последнюю сделанную Вами вещь.
Макросы для спарринга:
Макрос для спарринга. Стреляет из лука (Bow) и лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Макрос для спарринга. Бьет кинжалом (Dagger) и лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Mace Fighting
Макрос для спарринга. Бьет посохом (Quarter Staff) и лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Макрос для спарринга. Бьет катаной (Katana) и лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Кастует на цель заклинание Greater Heal.
Другие макросы:
Использует умение Anatomy на последнюю цель.
Animal Lore
Использует умение Animal Lore на последнюю цель.
Animal Taming
Использует умение Animal Taming на последнюю цель, пока Вы не приручите ее.
Arms Lore
Использует умение Arms Lore на последнюю цель.
Разжигает ветки, находящиеся у Вас в рюкзаке.
Detecting Hidden
Использует умение Detecting Hidden на последнюю цель.
Использует умение Discordance на барабаны (Drums).
Evaluate Intelligence
Использует умение Evaluate Intelligence на последнюю цель.
Forensic Evaluation
Использует умение Forensic Evaluation на последнюю цель.
Лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Использует Sharpherd's Crook на последнюю цель, а потом на Вашего персонажа.
Использует умение Hiding.
Item Identification
Использует умение Item Identification на последнюю цель.
Lockpicking (Target Absolute Targets - lockpick stack, wooden box and key)
Открывает отмычками сундук, а потом закрывает его ключом (Этот скрипт отличается тем, что все цели можно задать в
самом макросе. Для этого на выборе отмычек, ящика или ключа нажмите
правой кнопкой мыши и выберете пункт “Выбрать цель заново”).
Lockpicking (Target by Type)
Открывает отмычками сундук, а потом закрывает его ключом (Этот скрипт отличается тем, что он работает по типу предметов).
Magery (30-60% Magery skill)
Кастует на себя заклинание Mana Drain и медитирует до 11 маны.
Magery (60-75% Magery skill)
Кастует на себя заклинание Invisibility и медитирует до 20 маны.
Magery (75-100% Magery and Resisting Spells skills)
Кастует на себя заклинание Mana Vampire и медитирует до 40 маны.
Использует умение Peacemaking на барабаны (Drums). Как цель выбирает себя.
Травит яблоки бутылками яда. Так же если у Вас в рюкзаке есть Keg и пустые бутылки, то он будет ее использовать. Если
Ваши жизни 80 или меньше HP, то Вы будете кастовать на себя заклинание
Greater Heal.
Раз в 10 секунд появляется таргет, которым Вы должны указать на атакующее животное. За ним появляется второй таргет,
которым нужно указать на атакуемое животное. Музыкальным инструментом
для этого умения выбраны барабаны (Drums). Они должны находиться в
рюкзаке персонажа.
Resisting Spells (Other player or Pet)
Кастует заклинание Mana Vampire на последнюю цель. Медетирует до 40 маны.
Открывает все рюкзаки, которые видит на экране и до которых может ”дотянуться”.
Spirit Speak
Использует умение Spirit Speak.
Крадет мешки ”Bag” из рюкзака.
Использует умение Stealth пока Вы скрыты. Если Вы обнаружены, то будете использовать умение Hiding, пока не скроетесь.
Taste Identification
Использует умение Taste Identification на последнюю цель.
Использует умение Tracking. Выбирает в таблице искать Players.
Использует умение Begging на последнюю цель.
Лечит бинтами последнюю цель.
Макросы для добычи ресурсов:
(Добыча ресурсов на макросе в AFK - запрещена)
Ловит рыбу, закидывая удочку на 4 клетки в сторону севера (N) относительно Вашего персонажа
Копает руду и при достижении веса 390 и больше выкидывает Iron Ore на землю. В рюкзаке должна быть лопата.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
копает,накапывает 390+веса и ничего он не выкидывает гоняет руду по сумке и всё...
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Sokar написал:
Макросы для добычи ресурсов:
копает,накапывает 390+веса и ничего он не выкидывает гоняет руду по сумке и всё...
В окне макроса удалите строчки "Перемещение iron ore(19B9) - 40" и "Бросить (относительно) @(0,0,0)". Затем выделите строку "For ( 1 to 2 )", нажмите по ней правой кнопкой мыши (пкм) и выберите пункт "Начать запись с этого места". После того, как вы начали запись, переместите (выкиньте) iron руду себе под ноги. Желательно не менее 15 ore (это для удобства). Теперь после строчки "For ( 1 to 2 )" у Вас должно появиться еще 2 строки "Перемещение 15 - 0x40048DEC" и "Бросить в Ground (@(5455, 1157, 0))" (координаты и ID у Вас будут другими, я их ввел только для примера). Если у Вас появились только эти 2 строчки, значит Вы все делаете правильно. Далее выделите строку "Перемещение 15 - 0x40048DEC" и нажав пкм выберете пункт "Преобразовать в "Переместить" по типу". Теперь эта строчка выглядит почти так же, как и с самого начала ("Перемещение iron ore(19B9) - 15"). Опять же тип руды у Вас может быть другим. Теперь выделяем строку "Бросить в Ground (@(5455, 1157, 0))" и нажав по ней пкм выбираем пункт "Преобразовать в "Относительное Расположение"". Теперь эта строка имеет вид "Бросить (относительно) @(0,0,0)". Координаты у Вас могут быть другими. Если Вы все сделали правильно, макрос будет работать.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Boralgin написал:
Sokar написал:
Использует умение Provocation на барабаны (Drums).
не работает... висит таргет
Я уже писал об этой проблеме в первом посте. В окне макроса выделите строчку "Двойной Щелчок (drum (0E9C))" и нажмите по ней правой кнопкой мыши. Выберите пункт "Выбрать цель заново" и укажите таргетом на свой музыкальный инструмент.
сделал так,Таргет висит!
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Sokar написал:
сделал так,Таргет висит!
Когда висит таргет, значит не видит предмет. Я говорил, что с этим надо делать. Выделите строку "Двойной Щелчок (shovel (0F39))" нажмите пкм и выберите пункт "Выбрать цель заново".
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Boralgin написал:
Sokar написал:
сделал так,Таргет висит!
Когда висит таргет, значит не видит предмет. Я говорил, что с этим надо делать. Выделите строку "Двойной Щелчок (shovel (0F39))" нажмите пкм и выберите пункт "Выбрать цель заново".
лопата сдесь не причем... провокация не качается , ТАРГЕТ ВИСИТ!!!!!!!!!!!
сами загрузите и посматрите!
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Sokar написал:
лопата сдесь не причем... провокация не качается , ТАРГЕТ ВИСИТ!!!!!!!!!!!
сами загрузите и посматрите!
Да, Вы правы. Описание этого макроса было дано неверно. Вы должны найти 2-х животных, на которых хотите прокачать это умение. Появляющимся раз в 10 секунд таргетом необходимо указывать на животное, которое будет атаковать. После первого таргета сразу появится второй, которым Вы должны указать животное, на которое нападет первое. Тем самым макрос просто облегчает "тыканье" на кнопку скилла, но таргетом Вы должны указывать все самостоятельно.
Приносим свои извинения за неверное описание.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
еще бы кликал в соседнюю точку когда в старой кончилась рыба было бы чудесно)
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Fujitsu написал:
fishing работает прекрасно,извиняюсь))
еще бы кликал в соседнюю точку когда в старой кончилась рыба было бы чудесно)
Увы, такой скрипт мы предоставить не смогли.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
пишит только where do you want to fish in и ничего не делает.
моим опытнейшим глазом я вычислил что проблема гдето в релокации)я даже пытался новую задать всеравно ничего не делает.Поменял на Абсолютная Цель - запахало но постоянно ее выставлять проблемно
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Fujitsu написал:
Боралгин* я чтото не могу вьехать видимо какая то мелочь а все перестало работать)
пишит только where do you want to fish in и ничего не делает.
моим опытнейшим глазом я вычислил что проблема гдето в релокации)я даже пытался новую задать всеравно ничего не делает.Поменял на Абсолютная Цель - запахало но постоянно ее выставлять проблемно
Скорее всего это из-за того, что Вы пытаетесь указать таргетом на сушу, а не в море или ловить рыбу в этом месте нельзя. Встаньте к воде, выделите строку "Релокация целей (0, -4)", нажмите пкм и щелкните на строку "Выбрать цель заново". Далее таргетом укажите в ту точку, где хотите ловить рыбу (максимум 4 клетки от себя). Это должно исправить положение, абсолютную цель ставить необязательно. Таким же образом можете заново выбрать тип удочки.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
работал работал и перестал.
еще раз попробывал не помогло.лицом к воде стою
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Fujitsu написал:
я все так делаю,не помогло(
работал работал и перестал.
еще раз попробывал не помогло.лицом к воде стою
Возможно в этой точке закончилась рыба или там нельзя рыбачить. Попробуйте в другом месте.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.
Пожалуйста Войти или Регистрация, чтобы присоединиться к беседе.