for 10
useskill 'stealing'
waitfortarget 15000
target! 0x407dbbf7 //edit to the bag your stealing
moveitem 0x407753c6 'backpack' 44 72 0 // //edit to the bag your stealing
pause 600
moveitem 0x407dbbf7 0x403049a0 //edit to the bag your stealing
pause 600
pause 11000
moveitem 0x403049a0 'backpack' 48 65 0 //edit to the bag on the ground
pause 2000
moveitem 0x403049a0 'ground' 1802 2818 255 //edit to the bag on the ground
pause 600
This macro will steal a bag from a bag on the ground, then after 10 attempts, will pick the bag up and replace it on the ground. Just gotta edit the bag types, and the positioning of the bag. Default is 1 tile in front of the character facing south.
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